Ulivè Grand Cru vince l'oro alla NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition

Ulivè Grand Cru wins gold at the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition

Ulivè Grand Cru wins the prestigious gold medal at the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition, the New York International Olive Oil Competition.

This competition is widely considered the most important event in the olive oil industry, with over 900 participants from 26 countries.

The success of Ulivè Grand Cru is a testament to our company's constant commitment to quality, sustainability, and innovation. Azienda Agricola Sanarica Emmanuel produces high-quality extra virgin olive oil, using only the best olives from land with exceptional soil and climatic conditions, milling the olives in just a few hours to create a truly exceptional product.

This award is a significant milestone for Ulivè Grand Cru and represents recognition of our company's tireless efforts to produce the best olive oil possible. Judges were impressed by the quality and complexity of the oil, noting its aroma, medium fruity flavor, and distinctive character.

The success of Ulivè Grand Cru is not only about producing an excellent product, but also about sustainability and social responsibility. The company is committed to protecting the environment and promoting sustainable practices, waste reduction, and preserving the biodiversity of the local ecosystem.

Furthermore, Ulivè Grand Cru is dedicated to promoting the cultural heritage of the region, represented by a heritage of centuries-old olive trees of inestimable value.

Overall, Ulivè Grand Cru's gold medal at the NYIOOC World Olive Oil Competition is a well-deserved recognition of our company's excellence and dedication to producing Ulivè Grand Cru. It is a testament to the hard work, passion, and expertise of all those involved in the production of this exceptional product, which continues every day, 365 days a year.

If you are looking for a high-quality extra virgin olive oil that will enchant your palate, look no further than Ulivè Grand Cru.

Try it yourself and discover the true taste of Italian excellence.

Enhance your dishes with a luxurious scent of quality.

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