Awards and recognitions of Ulivè Grand Cru
Ulive Grand Cru was awarded asBest Oil in the World in the 2022 international competition in Dubai.
Since Ulivè was born, we have received many prizes and awards for the quality of our precious Ulivè Grand Cru Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Dubai Olive Oil Competition 2022
☆ Gold medal for quality
☆ Ultrapremium EVO oil, with grade A++, 99/100, one of the highest scores in the competition!
Japan Olive Oil Prize 2022

JOOP is among the most important competitions in Asia, with the aim of promoting world oil excellence and sees the participation of 500 labels from 21 countries.
☆ Gold medal for the quality blend, with a score of 9.49/10
Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards 2022

Ulivè Grand Cru has been awarded as an elite EVO Oil
☆ Gold medal for the quality blend in the sectionQuality Olive Oil Award
London Olive Oil Competition 2022

☆ Silver medal for the quality blend in the categoryQuality Award
LODO selection 2023
LODO is a competition for the selection of the best extra virgin olive oil in the world. We are in the selection of the international guide LODO GUIDE 2023, among the best extra virgin olive oils in the world.
Montis Mensulae Award
On 16 December 2022, the municipality of Montemesola, represented by the mayor Ignazio Punzi, awarded the Montis Mensulae award, a very important institutional recognition for having distinguished ourselves with our work and our passion for producing the best oil in the world (in Dubai Olive Oil Competition 2022).
This award represents a strong seal with the territory and makes us even more proud to present and represent Montemesola in the world.
Thanks again to Mayor Ignazio Punzi and the entire city council for the splendid ceremony, where we were able to receive this prestigious award in the company of friends, relatives and fellow citizens.
An even more important thanks goes to the guests present including the Hon. Vito De Palma, the president of the Union of Municipalities Montedoro Antonio Cardea Mayor and the Director of the GAL Magna Grecia Dr. Agr. Ciro Maranò, but also to those who unfortunately could not be there due to other commitments but still wanted to make their presence felt through press releases such as the Regional Councilor Donato Pentassuglia, the Hon. Dario Iaia and Coldiretti Puglia through the Director Franco Dell'Acqua.
OnCourier of Taranto the communication of civic merit received from the Municipality of Montemesola is present.
OnTarantini Time the interview conducted during the evening is present. Here the link:From Montemesola the best olive oil in the world. Civic merit for Emmanuel Sanarica.
Here the video of the interview conducted on Tarantini Time.
Here are Emmanuel's thoughts on the evening spent.
Extra virgin olive oil prize in Puglia 2022
The award and recognition is organized by the Posidonia Environmental Education Center of Ugento (Lecce) and is part of a ten-year work carried out in the area with the aim of promoting and enhancing the olive-oil supply chain, boosting the regional economy and protect the historical and cultural identity of Puglia.a.
Our Sanarica Emmanuel Agricultural Company was awarded for having distinguished itself as excellence in the Salento olive-growing field, helping to give a new impetus to the sector in terms of innovation, productivity and, in particular, post-Xylella regeneration.
These awards demonstrate the quality of our product and our work. We are proud and proud to enhance, with our daily commitment, Ulivè Grand Cru, a premium EVO oil of the highest level.